You can find us here…
Dreimühlenstrasse 14, 80469 München, Deutschland
(see town map below)
Public Transport
with the S-Bahn/Bus
- from Hirschgarten Bhf with Bus 62 (towards Ostbahnhof) alighting at Ehrengutstr.
- from Marienplatz/Viktualienmarkt with Bus 62 (towards Rotkreuzplatz) alighting at Ehrengutstr.
- from Hauptbahnhof with Bus 58 (towards Silberhornstr.) until Baldeplatz
- from Isator with Bus 132 (towards Forstenrieder Park) until Roecklplatz
with the U-Bahn
- from Implerstr exit Süd – a 10 Minute walk
- from Poccistr. take Bus 62 (towards Ostbahnhof) until Ehrengutstr.
- from Sendlinger Tor. with Bus 62 (towards Rotkreuzplatz) until Ehrengutstr.
- from Silberhornstr. with Bus 58 (towards Hauptbahnhof) until Baldeplatz.
- from Harras with Bus 132 (towards Rindermarkt) until Roecklplatz.
if you happen to be in the area…
- its an interesting walk from Glochenbachviertel along the Glochenbach (stream) as far as Dreimühlenstr. Just 15 minutes on foot.
- from the left bank of the Isar at Wittelsbacherstr, or from Wittelsbacher Bridge until Dreimühlenstr. takes less than 15 Minutes
- from the Oktoberfest/Theresienwiesen via Kappuzinerstr. just 20 Minutes on foot.
- or take a rickshaw from any part of town!
[themify_map address=”Dreimühlenstrasse 14, München, Deutschland” zoom=”18″ type=”roadmap”]